Alright ! So how different are we from the retail and wholesale giants with ready to go off the
shelf home décor solutions? What Is our USP?
Alright ! So how different are we from the retail and wholesale giants with ready to go off the
shelf home décor solutions? What Is our USP?
At Studio Marigold, great interior design is our business and our passion. We believe that a space comes alive when it’s personalized. Your space should show off your tastes and personality, work with your lifestyle, and maybe make your guests a little envious. We know that creating a space that does all of these things isn’t easy, and we’re here to help.
Our consortium of talented architects designers and landscapers bring more than 25 years of experience to the table. From discovering your personal style to knocking down that wall that’s been preventing the open-concept living area you’ve been wanting or when required, incorporating existing furniture/objects- we’ll make sure that your space isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, but also a reflection of you,your life and times.
Most Designers hanker after large square-footages. So if you have a small studio apartment that you wish to do up tastefully, chances of getting a good designer to handle the job are slim.But for Studio Marigold, all spaces — large and small — are creative challenges. Our spaces are infused with a wonderful, endearing idiosyncratic quality with minute attention to detail and effective space management.
Tell us who do you want to be? What’s the life you want to lead? We give you personalized and unique service created around your life and times….
It’s one of those things where we ask ourselves – and you understand this better than most,honestly — “How can I add value to this client’s life?” Maybe they buy from me, and maybe they don’t. Maybe they purchase something from me down the road. Maybe they purchase something from me today.
Ultimately, our goal is that we can differentiate against everybody by listening to you and your very special requirements and creating a more valuable experience for you. Our signature style is to not have one. Therefore, if you are the client, you could expect the unexpected and the unusual. Our projects are rich in visual details. The only constants are a refreshing perspective and a wholehearted openness to experimentation.
Nothing surpasses the feeling of exultation of having successfully beautified your home.Start small- focus on decorating one or two rooms. Limiting decorations to the rooms in which the family hangs out makes those spaces more special.